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Topic: PPC

The new items published under this topic are as follows.

<   12345678910   > Developer Conference - How would You want it?
Posted by: ironfist on Friday, February 24, 2006 - 05:03
Submitted by ironfist is in the early stages of planning a Developer Conference for all us POWER/PowerPC-people.
In the forum over at there is a thread where they want some inputs on what you want to do there. What things interests you?
Remember, is a community and therefore we are a big part of it. It's us and the companies that makes up - not just them.

Forum thread

Oh, I think you have to join the forum and to read this. Developer-level membership is always free.

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Freescale Extends the PowerPC Architecture Market with mobileGTā„¢ Platform
Posted by: ironfist on Monday, February 20, 2006 - 13:31
Submitted by ironfist
Freescale announced a collaborated effort with Genesi for the EFIKA Developer Program.

Click 'Read more' for the entire press release.


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Genesi Selects Tundra Host Bridge for High Density Blade Server
Posted by: ironfist on Wednesday, February 15, 2006 - 21:13
Submitted by ironfist
Ottawa, Ontario - February 15th, 2006 - Tundra Semiconductor Corporation (TSX: TUN), the leader in System Interconnect, today announced the Tundra Tsi109 Host Bridge, the industry's highest performing host bridge for PowerPC, will be integrated into the Genesi High Density Blade Server, demonstrating the Company's rapidly strengthened position as the industry's leading supplier of host bridges for PowerPC.

Read the rest in the official Press Release

(2022 Reads) 1 Comment Printer-friendly page

New Genesi Developer Programs
Posted by: ironfist on Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 17:46
Submitted by ironfist
Today Genesi started up two new developer programs for the upcoming Open Server Workstation and the High Density Blade. The Open Server Workstation will be a dual dual-core PPC 970MP and scheduled for release in June 2006.

High Density Blade Program
Open Server Workstation Program

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EFIKA Development Program Closes
Posted by: ironfist on Friday, February 10, 2006 - 11:44
Submitted by ironfist
The registrations to the EFIKA development program will close today. This is not your last chance of joining the development program though. Bill and Raquel tells us they will open it up again in a month.

My theory is they got so many registrations (138 as of now!) they need some time to go through and approve or decline each and every one.

If you have a project idea - hurry up! Sign up Now!

(1616 Reads) Comments? Printer-friendly page

Freescale Joins
Posted by: ironfist on Monday, February 06, 2006 - 19:48
Submitted by ironfist
Freescale announced today, at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) that they have joined the consortium. As a Founder-level member, Freescale joins the ranks of IBM, Novell, Red Hat and others.
Genesi is a sponsor-level member of

Read the full press release here.

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EFIKA Development Program Online
Posted by: ironfist on Sunday, January 29, 2006 - 22:33
Submitted by ironfist
The development program for the upcoming tiny PowerPC platform EFIKA is online at PPCZone. If you wish to participate in this program read this and contact Bill Buck and Raquel Velasco.

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Genesi: Order Period Open for HDB Evaluation Systems
Posted by: ironfist on Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 16:46
Submitted by ironfist
25th January 2006
Genesi is pleased to announce the order period for Evaluation Systems for the High Density Blade (HDB) and HDB Chassis is now open.

The HDB can be deployed in a variety of configurations. The HDB features one or paired Freescale MPC7447, MPC7447A or MPC7448 PowerPC processor(s) and the Tundra Tsi109 host bridge.

Official Press Release

(1857 Reads) 1 Comment Printer-friendly page

The Power year 2005
Posted by: kozz on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 18:49
Submitted by kozz
It is almost new year and time to look back at the year of 2005, a lot of things has happended to the Power architecture last year.

IBM summarizes the year and let you know "why Power Architecture technology is having the best year ever".

(2391 Reads) Comments? Printer-friendly page Venture Capital Symposium Gallery
Posted by: ironfist on Thursday, December 15, 2005 - 17:26
Submitted by ironfist
Genesi has published their photos from the ' Venture Capital Symposium'. Genesi shows off their PegasosPPC HTPC.

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